Tools used for building website
- Astro - Meta framework for building websites
- AWS Amplify - Hosting and CI/CD
- Typescript - Typed superset of JavaScript
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework
- Heroicons - SVG icons
- Three.js - 3D library
- Figma - Design tool
- Partytown - Web Worker for running third-party scripts
H1 - Syne, Bold, 96/92/0
H2 - Syne, SemiBold, 44/64/0
H3 - Syne, Bold, 24/32/0
Body Text 20 - DM Sans, Regular, 20/32/0
Body Text 18 - DM Sans, Regular, 18/32/0.3px
Body Text 16 - DM Sans, Regular, 16/28/0.4px
Body Text 14 - DM Sans, Regular, 14/20/0.4px